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Why Thomas is Away from Home

Thomas is our neighbor's pet cat. They just moved in a few weeks ago. Coming as far away as Manila, Thomas now has a permanent house in this nice new suburban village. I can say that it is no ordinary house. It is a mansion. Any cat who would pass by Thomas' home and see Thomas by the stairs at their foyer would say that he is probably a spoiled brat ( or cat ).

I came to know him accidentally. One afternoon, as I was having a stroll by myself at the basketball courtside I saw a bird flying along and I went after it, not realizing that I was already two blocks away from my own house ( actually, my owner's but I'm his pet, so I'm a part-owner ). I came to a fence, encircling a mansion.

Thomas was outside the fenced mansion, his owner, a young lady of around 15 years old was calling him. "Tommy, Tommy, where are you?"

So I approached him and told him to respond to his young lady owner. But he would not.

He said he was lucky to get out. He had been lonely in there. A huge mansion with so many rooms that he found it so confusing where his young lady is. He said she was at times at the family room, most of the time at study/ library or to her bedroom. But most of the time she is not at home. She goes to school like an office worker does...from dawn till dusk.

Thomas said he found the white fences very unwelcoming. He felt caged with no other cats or animals to mingle with. He said he was glad we met. And so, i thought he was a brat, but not at all. This new cat on the block just want to have friends. I introduced him to Tyler and they instantly became bros. They hang around everyday.

Thomas never came home, he is always at the the village club house, whether it rain or shine. At meal times, he would eat with us. My owner would make meals fit for three. Tyler and I set aside a portion for him. After we are done eating, we go out and let Thomas eat. I just sit around while Tyler engage him in the day's happenings.

At weekends when there are no classes in schools, we usually hear Thomas' young lady owner calling him. She would carry Thomas back to her mansion but Thomas would always find a way to get out after he has been fully fed. He hated that white fence but now he has learned how to jump over it.

And so I wonder, why would people build walls or fences? Our village homeowners' association would limit it to low picket fences and prohibit high-walled ones. I abhor it:  be it made of wood, concrete or iron... be it high or low. I feel that it hinders formation of new relationships amongst neighbors.

 I think people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

I was so glad I'm a cat. I can build an improvised bridge or jump over fences and be with my friends.

-- by Mokmok


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