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3 Wishes a Cat Can Wish For Other Animals

Let's take a break from the e-book that my owner is writing about adopting a pet cat. Here's a worthy cause that I truly support (I'm sure my owner, too)

To view the TV ad, please click on this link:
Homeless, Not Worthless

Here's an ad campaign by PURINA and PAWS. It was launched months ago, but the message should remain in every animal-lovers' heart. But how about those who are not?

If there are even street children for which most can not care less, what more for stray animals like dogs and cats?

Each living being on earth, even the worms and caterpillars have the right to exist decently. I, myself don't step on them when I walk along the garden path. I even say hello to the busy ants. I wish that someday, the world will be free of strays and every being has a place called home.

8 Things You Must Know When Having a Cat for a Pet - Part 1

Part 1: Being Adopted by a Cat

Some time along your way, a cat would rub her face against your legs. This is an affectionate way for a cat to mark you with her scent. If you do experience this, you will have to face it. You are owned and your are now a territory.

History and Superstitions

Does a black cat crossing your path a sign of bad luck to come? Does a cat's gentle stroke on your neck would remove whatever is obstructing/ blocking your throat that cause choking? Do cats really protect humans from harm of evil spiritual forces?

8 Things You Must Know When Having a Cat for a Pet - Introduction

Welcome to the wonderful world of cats!

Did you know that when you decided to have a cat for a pet, it is actually the cat who is adopting you? Your life will take on a different glow. Whether your cat is an inquisitive companion, a playful rascal or an independent diva, your life will be really changed.

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