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8 Things You Must Know When Having a Cat for a Pet - Part 1

Part 1: Being Adopted by a Cat

Some time along your way, a cat would rub her face against your legs. This is an affectionate way for a cat to mark you with her scent. If you do experience this, you will have to face it. You are owned and your are now a territory.

History and Superstitions

Does a black cat crossing your path a sign of bad luck to come? Does a cat's gentle stroke on your neck would remove whatever is obstructing/ blocking your throat that cause choking? Do cats really protect humans from harm of evil spiritual forces?

Like other animals, cats have their share of myths and legends handed over from generation to generation. This is true because the first cats had roamed the earth 40 million years ago.The earliest civilization was Egypt and this was when cats were first domesticated. Early Egyptians had carried their reverence for the cat even further by having a god called Bastet, which has a body of a woman and the head of a cat. In her left hand, she held an amulet with the ''all-seeing eye''.

Cats were highly regarded in ancient times because they had helped the early civilizations in their farms and barnyards protecting their crops from vermin, snakes, roaches and other pests.

So, if you see a black cat on your path don't shoo it away. Remember, that you yourself is the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. There are no such things as bad luck. A Heimlich Maneuver is the answer to throat blockage which causes choking or suffocation, not a cat's touch!

Bastet, the Egyptian goddess of life and family

Cats and Allergies

It would be very frustrating if you love cats ( or other furry pets ) if you have allergies! Allergic reactions are hindrances to bonding with your pets but this should not prevent you from having a pet cat.

Allergic reaction is not caused by the cat hair itself, as mostly believed. The allergen is a protein found in the saliva of cats and dogs. This allergen attaches itself to hair when the cat licks or scratches itself. These 2 activities introduce allergenic saliva and dander to the air. Keep the cat from scratching and licking by keeping it free of fleas and worms. Keeping the cat free of parasites can lessen the allergic reactions to humans.

Cats groom themselves. They are particularly obsessed with cleanliness. This is one trait that you will really like about having one for a pet. However, grooming activities also raise dander to the air and scatter cat hairs on your furniture. To further address this, you must:
  • Regularly brush your cat's coat. Do this twice or thrice a week in a separate room (not your bedroom!) or outside the house (like the car garage, lanai or balcony). 
  • Mop your floors with a damp mop everyday after a floor sweep.
  • Pick up hairs from your furniture (especially the sofa) by using a damp chamois or slip in a rubber glove and sweep the surfaces of the furniture. Never use a vacuum cleaner. It spreads the hair even more and other allergens such as dust and mites up in the air.
  • Remove lint and cat hair from your sheets or even your shirt by using a lint remover. It is recommended to use 3M Lint Roller. It is sure to be your most-loved tool.
  • If the room has air conditioning, make sure you are using HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters. Like any other equipment, make sure the air-conditioner is regularly cleaned and maintained or else it will just scatter allergens, too.
But there is no cure-all to allergies. Sufferers are usually allergic to many other allergens as well. Remove other sources from your surroundings like house dust, mites, and pollens and it will be a lot easier to live with your cat ~ someone you don't want to remove at all.

Cat Behaviors

  • Cats use their sense of smell as identification. The best way to introduce yourself to a cat is to let it sniff your hair.
  • An average cat dozes 18 to 19 hours a day, although not in one long stretch. That's the reason why it is called ''cat naps''. These are short naps but are done repeatedly throughout the day. Cats usually naps on higher places like above your cabinetry or refrigerator tops but you can train your pet to nap on pet mats placed on a floor a way from the household hustle and bustle. Cats need some quiet place to sleep, too.
  • Punishment for bad behavior only destroys a cat's trust in its owner. An effective way of reprimanding or correcting a bad behavior is to literally catch your cat in the act. Clap your hands and command STOP or NO in a strong voice.
  •  Are they playing or fighting? Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. Play is usually quiet and does not result to any injury. Cooperative playmates lie on their back with all four legs extended upward. Cats also do this with humans. If they do, then it is a good time to play with your pet.

  • Cats always like to stay neat and clean. If your pet cat shows no interest in cleaning or grooming itself, have it examined by a veterinarian. The cat may be ill.
  • To develop good toilet habits, use sand in your litter box. There are branded ones available in the pet shops but that would be bit costly because they contain some anti-odor chemicals. The cheapest and most natural is to use fine sand mixed with baking soda. The ratio of baking soda to fine sand should be 1:4. Clean their litter box daily or they will do their stuff somewhere else. Cats usually don't use the litter box if it is left uncleaned even for a day. Clean by scooping the hardened stools and flush them in the toilet. If you have a compost at the backyard, put it there. Cat stool are good fertilizers when submitted to composting process.

Inspired by a book written by Bob Lovka
Source:  Legacy of the Cat by Stephens/ Yamazaki


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